I'm definitely gaining weight. I won't fit in these pants for much longer, sigh. But also...I'm 9.5 weeks pregnant! 30.5 weeks to go! Hoping that this morning sickness goes away soon.
My little gummy bear. I cannot wait to meet this baby! (I also cannot wait to be done with pregnancy, FOREVER.) Nice, strong heartbeat, at 167 beats/minute. I think it will be a boy, but I've been wrong before. Christian has yet to make his official guess. We won't know until mid-March. And here is our FB announcement. The whole world...or at least my FB friends...are now aware of our little #4. And a huge thanks to my kids for putting up with my picture taking. Jackson wanted to be done so he could go back to playing Switch, Caroline just wanted to play with the bath toys, and Emma wanted to lie down and spread out in the bathtub. They (Jackson and Emma) are very excited about the new baby. Jackson thinks it will be a boy, and Emma thinks it will be a girl. Caroline has no idea what's going on.
We were able to see baby today! I was so happy to learn that spouses would be allowed in to the office for the ultrasounds now (which we weren't sure would be allowed, because Covid)! Christian in the lobby while we both anxiously await the ultrasound. Excited to know that we would have the gender revealed to us within the hour. The ultrasound went great! No concerns. The baby is growing just the way they should be. Baby didn't want to cooperate at the end for the gender and picture of feet, but after a quick bathroom break and jumping around we were able to get baby to move to a better position. I was able to tell right away, and Christian, too. The tech was able to confirm that we were correct in our guesses. Christian and I went to Target right after to grab a few things to surprise the kids with. I wandered around Target, still in shock. I wasn't expecting it to be THAT gender. haha! We bought a treasure chest to help with the gender reveal to the kids. And the weather...
20 weeks with baby #4. Very soon and we will know baby's gender. I've gained just over 20 pounds already. I can't wait to be done with pregnancy so I can fit into my clothes again, AND SO I CAN MEET THIS BABY!
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