
Showing posts from November, 2020

I'm Pregnant!

Christian and I decided to try for a 4th baby. I knew I wanted 4 kids, but Christian wasn't convinced. It took months of convincing, but when he finally agreed he figured why wait until "my timing." (I had said we should try for an October 2021 baby, because October...duh!) We only had just started trying this past month. I was planning on taking a test on Thanksgiving Day, which would have been  several  days past a missed period, so the test would have a better chance of being correct. He had a harder time waiting, so HE went to the store after work and bought me a test to take that night. Honestly, I already had a good feeling I was pregnant so I could have waited without much effort in being patient. For the first time ever I invited him to watch the results come in. Usually this is done alone and without his knowledge. I like my privacy when I find out, but since it would be our last I figured I would change things up. This was the face I saw for most of the waiting....